Cleveland Clinic: An Update

At Cleveland Clinic, my doctors conclusions were the following: Dysautonomia- This was the scariest diagnosis as the disorders that fall under this umbrella can reach from ALS to Parkinson’s; however for the time being those are NOT on the table. PTL. Autonomic Dysfunction occurs when the autonomic nervous system, which controls all automatic functions in…

When the Church Hurts You

This is not going to be a church bashing blog post. This is also not going to excuse, deny, or push under the rug behaviors that go on in churches every day that turn people away from Christ. I was recently hurt by the church. When I say “the church”, what I really mean, and…

What You Thought Your Life Would Be

When I dreamed of what I thought my life would be, I never imagined this. I have had to learn to adapt in big ways. I am a type A. I have had a very detailed plan for my adult life since I was little that dated back to when I was living with an…

The Body

How can I be upset about lost community when it completely surrounds me? When Christ talks about the Church, it isn’t a building. You don’t have to listen to a sermon or worship three songs. You take care of other believers because that is what Jesus asks of us. I’m so thankful for the obedience of the community that has surrounded us in love the last few months.

New Wine

God is creating me anew. There is new wine. It isn’t “dead Carly” and it isn’t “depressed Carly”, it is a version of myself that is filled with the Holy Spirit and can sing a new song out of the Valley of Death that has been my last year.

The Lion’s Den

I love goals- I DON’T dig New Year’s resolutions. They set objectives that are too far off, too easy to forget or put off. What I like to do is set a word of the year. My word this year was LIONHEARTED. I thought, “I’m going to overcome my depression, get strong as steel, grow…

Cutting Voices

You may have experienced times when one little word or sentence cut a deep mark in you that made you unable to do what you loved- made you question your worth, who you are. It sets deep into your soul. It festers, and allows the enemy to come in and speak more lies that only tear. But Jesus…

Are You Waiting?

What are you waiting for? What have you felt trapped by this year? Maybe it’s the walls of your own house. Maybe it’s an illness, or your children, or your job. Whatever that is, God is calling you as a believer to trust that he has your future planned out and it just might not look like what you had in mind. 

When Grief Becomes Welled-Up Anger

There were several times during my manic depression (September-January) that I felt extreme anger. Punch a wall, break a plate, scream into a pillow anger; Anger wants us to fight when there is no one to hit, to lash out when there is no enemy. Anger is a natural part of the grieving process just…